Imagine this …
The next time you have some close friends or relatives at your house …
You have them look at your military plaque on the wall and say “Can you find my hidden gun…
it’s right on that wall”…after they laugh and look around with a confused look on their face…
You say “watch this” …
You trigger the invisible lock with your phone or the RFID card you have in your wallet…
Then, CLICK, like something you’d only see in a movie!
Dimensions 22"X9”
… the entire solid wood face automatically lifts up (no power required) instantly revealing your HIDDEN home defense firearms!
Your friends are shocked and amazed … They won't be able to wipe the amazed look off their face no matter how hard they tried.
They’ll say “holy #&%#… how awesome… how clever…I want one with my name on it!”
Your friends and or relatives will admire your intelligence in finding such a cool new product
Your spouse will compliment you on how smart you are and for the extra safety you give your family.
When you show this to your friends, they will kick themselves wishing THEY had been the first one to get this.
That’s because each “United States Army Tactical Trap" is a true "one-of-a-kind" product. The face of each Trap is custom laser-engraved with your name, rank and whatever else you would like to say on the plaque!
Gun safes are “safe”, but not practical for home defense. What if you need to quickly access it to protect family or yourself from a home invasion or burglary? Sure, you could sleep with your gun under your pillow, but who wants to do that?
The only alternative in the past was to put it in a safe. The problem is by the time you make your way to the safe and unlock (in the dark)’re already too late!
In fact, many experts believe if you can’t get to your gun within 10-15 seconds there’s no point of having it around as home defense weapon.
In order to protect yourself, family and property you need to be able to get to your weapon in seconds no matter where you're at in the house.
The trick is how do you do that?
The fastest, easiest and smartest way is too strategically place the United States Army Tactical Trap in your home or office...
The United States Army Tactical Trap has no keys to lose, no magnets, no combination lock, just a state of the art Bluetooth enable RFID (radio frequency Identification locking system) that opens the unit in one second with your cell phone or encrypted keycard.
This is a new FREE upgrade we’re offering that’s only guaranteed now. More on that late. Here’s how it works…
If you do this is in front your family and friends the look on their face when they see this miracle will be worth more than the price you paid for the United States Army Tactical Trap ! It looks like something out of a James Bond movie!
But that’s not all! What if you need access to your weapons and your phone isn’t by you or its not charged? No problem, you can get in in less than a second using the provided key cards. These cards are great to put in your wallet, in a book or hidden under knickknack. Just place the key card over the trigger point on the outside of the flag…and YOU get instant access!
We also build the RFID lock to include two built-in safeguards ensuring you’ll never get locked out. First, if the batteries get low, you will get a warning to replace them. Assuming you ignore the warning—you won't, but let's say you do and the batteries go dead—no problem, simply plug in the included external battery backup into the port which is as easy as plugging a headphone into a jack…. and you’re in.
We're the only ones in the industry that use this state of the art locking—and that’s what we're using on your Tactical Trap. We retail this lock alone for $179, but when you order now we’ll throw it in for FREE!
Ask any crook and they’ll tell you the first thing they go for in a house is the safe. Why? A safe screams something valuable is inside. The ultimate solution is to store your guns, valuables or anything else in the United States Army Tactical Trap .
You can use it for anything. Jewelry. Watches. Documents too. Deeds. Wills. Birth Certificates. Stock Certificates. Contracts. Cigars (in a cigar room)... We’ve even had a customer tell us he keeps his prescription drugs(for a problem he doesn’t want to advertise to the world) inside because the nosey cleaning people like to snoop through his drawers. Keep your private life private with the United States Army Tactical Trap .
Your United States Army Tactical Trap will come with a customizable foam pad that can be trimmed to fit your specific weapon.
The secret storage space measures in at 22" X 9” that easily fits two full handguns beautifully displayed as well as a spare magazine. In the picture above I’ve got a Para Black Ops .45…Sig dark elite p229, spare magazine with room to spare.
Did I just use the word “decor”? Don’t tell anyone! But seriously, you can get your United States Army Tactical Trap in any of these six wood stains: Dark Walnut (color featured in these pictures), Rustic Maple, Midnight Black, Distressed Gray, Country Pine, and Unfinished.
The United States Army Tactical Trap was designed to work easily with standard 2x4 construction... so it can be safely and securely mounted on any wall in any home or apartment. You don’t have to do any custom work to the wall... there's no sheetrock cutting or anything like that.
Just open up the box and following our easy instructional pamphlet and/or installation video, mount it to your wall. It will take 10 minutes or so to install it directly to the wall.
Or if you’re a little handy you can actually cut out cavity (we use special hinges) and…
Buy one for yourself…and another one as a gift. How about that person in your life that has everything? And the stuff he doesn’t have is too expensive for your blood. Well, unless he hates his name, this is the absolute perfect gift ! And the best part? Price-wise, it punches way above its weight class. It looks and functions like you paid double the price we’re asking.
Disclaimer: Upgrades are only GUARANTEED Until May 18, 2021. After that we reserve the cancel this offer. If you want one… get it now!
During this special marketing test we will be including the following upgrades free with your United States Army Tactical Trap order. Keep in mind, these upgrades are only guaranteed today, meaning if you come back to the site tomorrow-they might not be available.
For a limited time (only guaranteed until March 19, 2025) I’m going to upgrade your Tactical Trap from our standard lock to the new RFID Bluetooth fast-action locking system!
Not only does this lock give you better security and faster access…it also allows you effortlessly open your table with your cellphone with just one click! Don’t have your cell phone with you all the time? No problem, your tactical table will also come with two special encrypted key cards that will open it with just a swipe of the card…
When you order now we’re going to include in a super cool LED lighting kit for your United States Army Tactical Trap …
This motion-activated LED kit will light up to 5 feet of space, and with its motion activation the lights go on as soon as it opens.
What’s more, it operates on AAA batteries so you don’t have to worry about running plugs or wires…everything is 100% concealed.
There is an option that retails for $99—but it’s yours free when you order now!
The price you pay for the United States Army Tactical Trap isn’t a cost… it’s an investment…
An investment in your home!
An investment in your family security!
An investment in something that nobody else has!
An investment you can pass down with your family name for generations to come!
So what kind of investment are we talking about? Well, it’s not cheap. Why would you want something cheap in your home with your name on it anyway?
But it is bargain when you consider the sheet of wood we use to make this is $100. That’s just for the raw wood. Now add in cutting, Bluetooth lock, laser etching, hidden door, duel 40N auto open shocks, hand staining, clearcoat, LED light and all the labor that goes with this product…it should be priced at $400 minimum.
But I’m not going to charge you $400. Our mission with this product was to give you a personalized functional work of art that you can’t find anywhere else in the world—not to get rich off you.
If that was the case, we would never even offer this product because it’s so labor intensive with all the personalization. But sometimes things in life aren’t about the numbers. It’s about making our customers, who we truly value, something that will take their breath away.
So with that being said—to put my money where my mouth is—I’m going to let you STEAL the United States Army Tactical Trap with all the upgrades (I’ll just round down the numbers):
FREE: Bluetooth lock upgrade ($172 value)
FREE: LED light kit ($29.52 value)
FREE: Laser Engraving ($100 value)
FREE: 40n Auto open custom shocks ($57+ value)
FREE: 35lb quick draw magnet that holds your firearm in place
Not for $400…$375 or even $300…
but for the rock bottom price of just $197!
If you were in front of me right now I could look you straight in the eye and tell you you‘re getting one helluva a bargain at that price!
Consider this…just the raw sheet of wood to make this is $90 alone. Now add in the RFID Bluetooth lock upgrade that no one else in the industry offers. How do I know? We invented it.
Add that to the mix—you’re talking another $179. No to mention the free foam insert, 35lb Quick DRAW safety magnet that holds your gun in place. And the custom auto open system…another $57 bucks. Let me see what else. Oh, throw in another $100 bucks for the custom etching.
Add up these FREE upgrades and we’re talking a real value of $426.52—that’s more than you’re paying for the United States Army Tactical Trap !
So, in essence your getting the Tactical Trap for free. How’s it free? Because the upgrade we’re throwing in alone add up to a REAL VALUE (check it out if you want) to over $426.52.
The reason we’re offing is twofold. First, we love America and I really enjoying making a one of a kind product for like mind people like yourself. I want to give you something so cool that when you open the box a big smile comes across your face and feel you got the bargain of lifetime. On top of that I want you to have something so unique in your home that your neighbor, brother in law, coworker or whoever can’t get in any store at any price.
And two, (our selfish reason) …world of mouth advertising. We know when people see a Tactical Trap in your house the first thing they will ask is “where did you get it “. So it’s a win-win situation. You get an unbelievable bargain and we get repeat customers.
Scroll back up to the top of the page and hit the add to cart button now while you’re thinking about. You don’t risk a penny because your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed in writing. The only risk you take is clicking off the site and missing out on this once in a lifetime deal.
Can you imagine how angry you’d be if you neighbor or annoying boss got their hands on one and you missed out. You’d be grumbling “I should have” and “could have” for years to come. Don’t let that happen- get in now while you can. You might not have a chance tomorrow. Hit the add to cart button (below) to get in on the action. You can review your order before placing it on the next page.
Price: $297… Only $197. Sales price guaranteed until March 19, 2025
Thank you,
Ron Adams
Vice President
Tactical Traps
P.S: If you want the United States Army Tactical Trap s or even think you might- order now so you take advantage of this special price. Remember, you get a full 30 days to decide if it’s for you so you’re not making a decision now. You’re just agreeing to a harmless and risk free 30 day test drive.
The only way you can lose is by passing up on this offer and having to pay double next time. That’s like throwing away good money. Order now 100% risk free by clicking bottom above or the curiosity of wondering if you should have got it will haunt you for weeks to come.
P.P.S : Ordering with no risk now makes a helluva lot more sense than coming back and paying more later. Hit the 'add to cart' button above now to get in on the action and savings.