Imagine this …
The next time you have people at your house …
You have them look at 1791 whiskey barrel flag handing on the wall, “Do you think this is wall decor or a tier 1 home security device?”
…after they laugh and don’t know what to say…
You say “watch this”…
You trigger the invisible lock with your phone or the RFID key cards…
Then, CLICK…
… a hidden compartment immediately opens up holding your firearms!!!
(A high-density foam lined cavity holds your handgun).
Your friends are amazed …
They say “that is sooo cool… how awesome… how clever…!”
Your friends will be impressed.
Your spouse will compliment you on how smart you are and for the extra safety you give your family.
When you show this to your friends, they will kick themselves wishing THEY had been the first one to get this.
The secret is behind the real whiskey barrel wood and steel face is a secret compartment big enough fit a couple handguns, knife and extra magazines. In the picture above I have my Para .45 ACP, Sig P229 and Benchmade automatic knife with plenty of room to spare.
First, 1791 is the year our Second Amendment was passed. That was the year the Supreme Court ruled this right to bear arms belonged to The People. 1791 was also the same year America put its first tax put on domestic product. Take a guess what that was? Whiskey! That’s why we use whiskey barrel wood to make the flag.
The Whiskey Rebellion caused by the Whiskey tax was a MAJOR event in American history because it showed how a newly-formed US Government had the power to suppress violent resistance to laws any time it felt like it.
Many historians feel this “overreach of power” was also the reason the 2nd Amendment was adopted (as part of the Bill of Rights) the very same year.
Just think…back 200+ years ago, people many generations ago experienced all these amazing events of 1791, which gives us the rights we have today.
Dimensions : 25” long x 15” tall” With a Secret Compartment measuring 22 ½” X 10 ½” inches that quickly and easily conceals & locks your guns, magazines or even valuables in plain sight anywhere in your house
Gun safes are “safe”, but not practical for home defense. What if you need to quickly access it to protect family or yourself from a home invasion or burglary? Sure, you could sleep with your gun under your pillow, but who wants to do that?
The only alternative in the past was to put it in a safe. The problem is by the time you make your way to the safe and unlock (in the dark)’re already too late!
In fact, many experts believe if you can’t get to your gun within 10-15 seconds there’s no point of having it around as home defense weapon.
In order to protect yourself, family and property you need to be able to get to your weapon in seconds no matter where you're at in the house.
The fastest, easiest and smartest way is too strategically place your 1791 Tactical Flag in your home, mancave or office.
The 1791 Tactical Flag has no keys to lose, no magnets, no combination lock, just a state of the art Bluetooth enable RFID (radio frequency Identification locking system) that opens the flag in one second with your cell phone or keycard.
This is a new FREE upgrade we’re offering that’s only guaranteed now. More on that later. Here’s how it works…
If you do this is in front your family and friends the look on their face when they see this miracle will be worth more than the price you paid for the flag! It looks like something out of a James Bond movie!
But that’s not all! What if you need access to your weapons and your phone isn’t by you or its not charged?
No problem, you can get in in less than a second using the included keycards. Simply swipe the keycard over the center of the flag and in less than 1 second you're in. It's that's easy.
We also build the RFID lock to include two built in safeguards ensuring you’ll never get locked out. First, if the batteries get low, you will get a warning to replace them. Assuming you ignore the warning - you won't, but let's say you do and the batteries go dead. No problem simply plus I the included external battery backup into the port which is as easy as plugging a headphone into jack…. and you’re in.
We're the only ones in the industry that use this state of the art locking system - and that’s what we're using on your 1791 Tactical Flag. We retail this lock alone for $179 but when you order now we’ll throw it in for FREE!
Your 1791 Flag is handmade from authentic whiskey barrel staves (that’s the wood used to make the barrel) in a way that represents a beautiful American Flag, along with blackened galvanized steel stars and stripes - identical to what is used as whiskey barrel hoops.
Every whiskey barrel stave we use on your flag is hand selected by our master carpenters and cut to the precise tolerances and milled by hand. Its extremely labor intensive but the end result is something no machine or computer could replicate.
What makes this process so unique is no two staves are alike and are actually curved like the barrel. Some of them have iron marks from steel banding, others have distillery stamps and others are charred.
This is why no two flags are alike. It’s also why each flag comes with a certificate of authenticity hand signed and hand numbered by the craftsman who made your 1791 Tactical Flag
Let’s face it, we live in a world of cheap, mass produced products with no originally…no story…no soul. The stuff you have in your house, truck or on your body now….1000’s of thousands of other have the same thing.
Nothing wrong with that for the most part but wouldn’t it be nice to have something unique to YOU and your family that no one else has? Something with meaning, individuality and top quality not found in mass produced products?
That’s what the 1791 flag will give you the minute the box arrives at your door.
The barrel we use for you flag is 100% different that the next one we make so your flag is totally original to you. The patina, distillery stamps…even the contents in the barrel are all different.
This is just a small sample of literally 1000’s of other happy customers!
“The coolest and most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. My friends can’t stop talking about it. My whole family’s favorite thing in the house.” – Ken B, St. Louis, MO
“We are honored to have this jaw-dropping flag in your home! Everyone loves it. Thank you. Your craftmanship and quality is superb!! Definitely a family heirloom to be passed on for generations.” - Joe L, Sacramento, CA
“I ordered the Whiskey Barrel Flag trap as a gift for my son and could not be happier with his reaction. After receiving it he immediately set it up and hung it He also kept sending me texts telling me that it is “hands down THE BEST GIFT EVER “. He also said that he thinks that he likes it better than the weapons inside. His wife said that he is obsessed and can’t stop messing with it. The quality and workmanship are superb.” -Kathy W, TX
“Every part of the process was excellent. Delivery was timely. The product I ordered was very well crafted and the material was excellent as well. I would highly recommend their products.”- Geoffery J, IL
“My wife got me The 1791 Whiskey Barrel Concealment Flag for my birthday. Really well constructed, instruction pamphlets, certificate, the whole 9-yards. The motion detector light did not work, they sent out a replacement the next day. Asked for an additional gun magnet, they sent that too, no charge. This is just really nicely made, all American, patriotic and great support. Sent pics to friends, one ordered immediately others will as well. This is a good company and good product.” Charles H, OH
Limited Edition: Your flag will receive a Certificate of Authenticity hand-signed and hand-numbered by the very craftsman who crafted your 1791 Tactical Flag. We have to put a lot of manual labor into each flag. They're one of a kind. No two are identical. Each whiskey barrel stave tells its own unique story in the form of unique nicks and indentations from decades of shuffling around in the rack houses of bourbon country.
The 1791 Tactical Flag was designed to work easily with standard 2x4 construction... so it can be safely and securely mounted on any wall in any home or apartment. You don’t have to do any custom work to the wall... there's no sheetrock cutting or anything like that.
Just open up the box and following our easy instructional pamphlet and/or installation video, mount it to your wall. It will take 10 minutes or so to install it directly to the wall.
Or if you’re a little handy you can actually cut out cavity ( we use special hinges) and…
Buy one for yourself…and another one as a gift. How about that person in your life that has everything? And the stuff he doesn’t have is too expensive for your blood. Well, unless he hates guns and whiskey, this is the absolute perfect gift for him! And the best part? Price-wise, it punches way above its weight class. It looks like it costs $1000+.
Be honest. How awesome would one of these look in your home? It’s made from actual whiskey barrels. The staves are real oak and the hoop is real steel. It even contains about 5% fine whiskey. Not to mention, imagine the looks on your friends faces when they see it in action. It will be a topic of conversation for the rest of your days.
Could you come up with a more perfect piece of furniture for your home bar? Hey, you never know when things are gonna get rowdy and you need to brandish some cold hard steel, just trigger the flag with your phone or fingerprint and things will go quiet really quick. Of course, that’s a joke, but you get the idea. You can’t find a better piece of furniture for a bar than this—especially since its made from real whiskey barrels.
Our biggest problem with the 1791 Flag is not selling them. Heck no. This is on track to be one of our hottest selling traps. The biggest problem for us is getting our hands on enough barrels!
9 out of 10 barrels are either too gray, too warped or too damaged. This why we literally drive 1000’s of miles to locate the best barrels just to make a handful of these flags.
Finding the right barrels, with the right markings and the right color is like trying to find buried treasure in the keys. Next to impossible! This is why we only offer this on a limited run basis. I can’t think of one single day we actually had even 1 flag in inventory. Before they are even built, they are sold. That’s how popular this product is.
Disclaimer: Upgrades are only GUARANTEED Until March 4, 2025. After that we reserve the cancel this offer. If you want one… get it now!
Upgraded RFID Locking System(Bluetooth Enabled)
For a limited time (only guaranteed until March 4, 2025) I’m going to upgrade your 1791 Flag from our standard lock to the new RFID Bluetooth fast action locking system!
Not only does this lock give you better security and faster access…it also allows you effortlessly open your flag with your cellphone with just one click! Don’t have your cell phone with you all the time? No problem, your flag will also come with two special encrypted key cards that will open it with just a swipe of the card….
This upgrade retails for $179, but it’s yours FREE when you order now!
$72 Retail…YOURS FREE!
When you order now…your 1791 Flag will leave our shop installed with our brand-new auto open pneumatic lifts. That means instead of manually having to lift up your frame after the lock is disengaged- yours will open up automatically as soon as you trigger the lock.
Not only will leave whoever you show it to in amazement (you won’t believe your eyes!) it’s also gives you much faster access without having to put a finger on the frame. This retails (parts and install) for $72 bucks extra but when you order now its installed on yours for FREE. You’ll kick yourself for the next 5 years of you miss out on this one!
This upgrade retails for $72 , but it’s yours FREE when you order now!
$29.52 retail…YOURS FREE!
When you order now… We’re going to include in a super cool LED lighting kit for your special edition 1791 Tactical Flag.
This motion activated LED kit will light up to 10-feet of space and being that it’s motion activated... as soon as it opens... the lights go on.
What’s more it operates on AAA batteries so you don’t have to worry about running plugs or wires…everything is 100% concealed.
The price you pay for the 1791 Tactical Flag barrel isn’t a cost… it’s an investment
An investment in your home!
An investment in your family security!
An investment in something that nobody else has!
An investment you can pass down with your family name for generations to come!
So, what kind of investment are we talking about? Well, it’s not cheap. Why would you want something cheap in your home with your name on it anyway?
But it is bargain when you consider the proper reclaimed barrel itself would cost you $350-$500. That’s just for the barrel. Now add in steel, plasma cutting, Bluetooth lock, custom made gas struts, frame reinforcements, LED light and all the labor that goes with this product…it should be priced at $800 minimum.
But I’m not going to charge you $800. Our mission with this product was to give you a personalized functional work of art that you can’t find anywhere else in the world—not to get rich off you.
If that was the case, we would never even offer this product because it’s so labor intensive. But sometimes things in life aren’t about the numbers. It’s about making our customers, who we truly value, something that will take their breath away.
So, with that being said—to put my money where my mouth is—I’m going to let you STEAL the 1791 Tactical Flag with all the upgrades (I’ll just round down the numbers):
FREE: Bluetooth lock upgrade ($179 value)
FREE: LED light kit ($29.52 value)
FREE: HD Fast-Action Auto Open System ($72 value)
FREE: Custom foam insert ($30+ value)
FREE: Emergency battery backup jack ($50 value)
FREE: Quick draw safety magnets ($24)
Now add in the cost of the barrels ($3500 load). Transportation to get them here ($400). Labor to break them down, cut shape, clean, clearcoat and install ($50hr+ x 6 different guys). We could easily sell this flag for $800+.
But you’re not going pay $800…$600 or even $500…
You get it all today for the rock bottom price of just $397!
If you were in front of me right now I could look you straight in the eye and tell you…you‘re getting one helluva a bargain at that price!
Consider this…the FREE RFID Bluetooth lock upgrade that no one else in the industry offers goes for $179. How do I know? We invented it.
Not to mention the free foam insert, 35lb Quick DRAW safety magnets that hold your guns in place. And the state of art auto opening system…another $72 bucks. Let me see what else. Oh, throw in another $300 for the bourbon barrel wood.
Add up these FREE upgrades and we’re talking a real value (that’s what it would cost you to build it) of $500+—that’s more than your paying for the 1791 Flag!
So, in essence you get the 1791 for free. How’s it free? Because the upgrade we’re throwing in alone add up to a REAL VALUE (check it out if you want) to over $500 bucks.
The reason we’re offing is twofold. First, we love America and I really enjoying making a one of a kind product for like minded people like yourself. I want to give you something so cool that when you open the box a big smile comes across your face and feel you got the bargain of lifetime. On top of that I want you to have something so unique in your home that your boss, neighbor, brother in law, coworker or whoever can’t get in any store at any price.
And two, (our selfish reason) I want to get the word out on our new 1791 bourbon whiskey (real whiskey) line that honors the second amendment, freedom and people like us. This is why we offer the 1791 Flagfor less money than it’s cost you to make it yourself.
If all goes well, you’ll see it on the shelf at your local liquor stores sooner than later. I won’t get into the details about our whiskey, but what I will tell you is it will be the best whiskey you will have ever drank. So, it’s a win-win situation. I give you one heck of a bargain and you help me spread the word on our new whiskey that might just give Jim Beam a run for his money.
Ordering is simple. Just click the “add to cart button” below. What’s going to happen next is you’ll be taken to our 100% secure server where you can review your order before placing it.
Keep in mind…this special offer and free upgrades are only guaranteed today. If you come back tomorrow and they are gone- this offer is expired. No exceptions. Can you imagine how angry you’d be if you neighbor or annoying boss got their hands on one and you missed out. You’d be grumbling “I should have” and “could have” for years to come. Don’t let that happen- get in now while you can. You might not have a chance tomorrow. Click the “add to cart button” to get in on the action.
Price: $800… Only $397. Limit 3 per customer. This Special Offer guaranteed until March 4, 2025 or until we're out of inventory. You can review your order before purchasing.
Thank you,
Ron Adams
Vice President
TActical Traps
P.S: “The Industry’s Strongest Money Back Guarantee” Do you like the 1791 Tactical Flag ,but still aren’t sure if you want to order now? No problem, order now at the discounted price and take a full month to decide if you want it or not. Display it above your fireplace, in your living room, mancave, kitchen, den, office—treat it as your own. If you’re not totally blow away by it, give us a call or send a quick email and we’ll arrange a full refund.
This way you’re not deciding anything for sure right now—you’re just taking it for a 30 day risk-free test drive. Doing that makes a helluva lot more sense than coming back and paying 2X more later. Or even worse, letting someone else hang your flag in their home while you’re left wondering . Hit the 'add to cart' button above now to get in on the action and savings before someone else beats you to it.